We Attract What We Judge
Aug 29, 2024*This is a transcript of a live broadcast*
I will be sharing this fascinating topic. I wanted to share some thoughts with you. Do not just believe what I say; experiment with your life and see how much easier it will be to walk your path without carrying unnecessary baggage that does not belong to you.
You have heard that you attract what you are. This is almost like a cliché, but I would like to add another dimension to that: we attract what we judge. Maybe some of you arrived at this epiphany because it is really liberating when you see it.
Every relationship in our life is a mirror and it serves as a catalyst to propel us toward a deeper truth of who we are and our deeper purpose. I am talking of any relationship, literally. The more aware you are, the more you walk your life with eyes wide open. You begin to see every relationship as literally the divine ascend in you for the transformation, encouragement, uplifting, and deep self-honesty.
We attract what we judge; that is the mirror of relationships, and this is not my idea. This comes from an incredible person, Greg Braden. He wrote The Divine Matrix. If you have not read it, please do. It is amazing. In the last part of the book, he talks about Three Mirrors of Relationships. I read it and took it in, and it was so true. We attract what we judge. Suppose you look at how it shows in your business, relationship, and family dynamics. Family dynamics is the easiest part because we cannot escape our families. We often choose family dynamics to heal at this incarnation. We attract what we judge, and when you sit with that truth, you realize the power of how the judgment will lock you in a karmic tie with a person. Until you learn to see forgiveness and an opportunity to forgive and to release yourself. Sometimes, forgiveness is so far out of our feelings. You just feel the judgment, and you almost cannot help it.
The tool I offer you to contemplate is “Stop feeding the energy of judgment.” An example of this is the fact that I live very far away from my family in Russia. My family does not understand English, so I can speak transparently. However, for the longest time, I was feeding codependency with them. I was feeding their perceived inadequacy. I was feeding this rescue archetype. It took some years, but finally, I dropped the pattern of feeding the drama and idea of a family member- this struggling human whose life depended on me. I thought it was my responsibility to make their life better and easier.
When you see people like that, you continue disempowering and feeding the energy. You cannot help but to resent it. However, you keep attracting more opportunities, and your conscious mind will judge you. You continue being locked in this karmic pattern of disempowerment. Remember that the more you feed this codependency, the more you will judge yourself for it, and you are locked in on the pattern. What you judge, you will attract. What you resent, you will attract. This will pull you in the drama. Although I know it is easier said than done, you should stop feeding the pattern. However, I invite you to post it on a big piece of paper in your home where you can see it. You can write, “I refuse to feed the drama, the codependency, and I choose to take my power back. I choose to forgive.”
It becomes very subtle if you work with people on any level. It gets even more nuanced in client relationships if you are a teacher or take care of children or teenagers. Pay attention to seeing other people as sovereign beings. They may not be awake to that reality just yet. However, every human being has a higher self-guiding them on their path. They have their own pace, destiny moment of awakening, and dark nights of the soul. They have their high self-scheduled, and you do not need to interfere and save the day.
You may probably know all of this stuff, but to me, it was very eye-opening. You attract what you judge. You sit with that, and it should amaze you. It is not a wonder that you attract the same partners but in different phases. It is no wonder that you find yourself in a codependent relationship with your clients. It is no wonder that you find yourself in the same scenario.
The first thing is to understand that forgiveness is the healing bridge. Never underestimate the power of forgiveness. You would say, “I forgive my judgments.” You start there and when you forgive internally, your world will shift powerfully. You start within and you say, “I forgive myself for judging and I forgive myself for attracting what I judge. Now, I release everybody in my hologram to their divine destiny. I do not need to fix it, or to feed it.”
Be very aware that some beings are so lost and unconscious that they will do everything in their power to suck you into their drama. Our responsibility is to be conscious, present, and check in with ourselves, not feed it. If you feed it, you co-create another karmic loop with them. It is so simple, yet it is profound when you become honest with yourself. It is always a release of stress.
The first piece was “We attract what we judge.”
The second one is, “Forgive yourself and stop feeding the drama.”
The third piece is, “When you own it, you can change it.”
If you came to my house, you would see I am a visual person. I write things on big posters, and I surround myself with these powerful reminders every time I reconstruct a belief system.
If you can own it, you can change it. Repeat this to yourself. When we take full ownership of every drama we feed and judge in our lives, we create a powerful pivot in our destiny. Something called “Inner freedom” unlocks within us. And then you begin seeing every human as a sovereign soul, guided by their Higher Self. They may not remember that in that moment. They may be deeply asleep and locked into the pattern of addiction, abuse, or other things, but I choose not to see that. I desire to honor their choices no matter how dark they are. I prefer to see their higher self. I do not speak to this lost part of identity that is working out the current path. I honor that for them, as I speak from a deep place of inner transformation because there is a reason why I leave halfway the globe from my family.
My dad has been an alcoholic all his life. A life was in shame. He would show up in my elementary school completely drunk, knock on the classroom door, and I would feel very embarrassed. All the kids saw that my dad was an alcoholic. It was a lot of shame, and it took me years, decades, really, to forgive him, release him to his karmic path, and honor his choices, however dark they look.
The process of deep spiritual liberation is where you see the craziness of judgments. To judge something is to magnetize it to yourself. If you remember that, you release yourself because “When I judge, I magnetize.”
“How can I let people be in their universe and their path while I walk in my path and love more people unconditionally?” that takes a lot more consciousness and presence. If you can own it, you can change it. The most disempowering thing we can say to ourselves is, “Why is this happening to me?” the most empowering thing to say is, “Everything is here to help me, and for some reason, though I may not understand it now, I must have made an agreement either consciously or unconsciously to bring this reality and bring it to my being. I let myself forgive myself for not realizing what I was creating at the moment. Now let me love, forgive, and release it.” The contrast is that in one thing, you are a victim, and in another, you are a powerful creator. This can change from moment to moment. When you are going through a massive awakening process, many people get disoriented by the backsliding that they feel. From feeling really awakened and in parallel- many become confused and disoriented by the backsliding. One day, you may feel empowered, clear, and on your path; another day, you are back in the old pattern you fought for yourself twenty years ago. I encourage you to be honest, gentle, strong, vulnerable, empowered, and graceful with yourself. You will be oscillating between these until you learn to stabilize the energy of these five deep upgrades that we are going through right now.
I invite you to remember that we magnetize and attract whenever we judge. However, if you can own it, you can change it. The bridge between is forgiveness, which I want to share with you.
Do you see yourself in a new light after reading this? How can you interact with people in your life? From a completely different vibrational voice. I was recently at DMV, and I had a human moment. Well, I have many human moments but I never want that I have this perfect life where I do not have human moments. I don't like calling them mistakes; I prefer to call them human moments. Sometimes I am not good with details, especially if its 3d stuff details. I was moving to a different state, changed address, the mail got lost, and my car insurance expired, and I had no clue. I got this clue that my license was suspended. A wave of shame came, and I said, “How could I be so stupid and silly?” I watched myself in that situation, and then I started to laugh. I was like, “Oh my God, How fast I go to shame. How fast you begin to judge yourself. You begin to attract more opportunities to judge yourself.
I still laughed as I drove to the DMV, stood for about four hours, and paid it all. It cost me a thousand dollars for this mess. To pay for my forgetfulness. I owned it to change it while I was sitting at DMV and playing with this approach. You know DMV can be like a circus, it is like all kind of people there. I was sitting there, and I was playing with seeing every person’s higher self. I was imagining about how this person would look like if they lived with the alignment of their higher self. I was looking for that inner light in every person’s eye, no matter how oblique.
While there, I was like, “Let me radiate the light. Let me see how the energy shifts.” I got the most helpful and unique person who helped me without shaming me for my mistakes or giving me an evil eye. I just owned my human moment. I do not call it a mistake; I call it a human moment. This is because we are still living in this incarnation, no matter how divine we are. Things like that can happen. However, when you own it you can change it.
Let us create this powerful day today, where we intentionally see the inner light, talk, connect, and interact with the higher self of every human being. Can you imagine what we can co-create from that vibrational point? I am excited to start it this day.
I will announce a couple of new virtual life masterclasses and invite you. It is something that I will offer to a bigger group for the collective. Every four months, I will provide to my community a powerful training that is focused on soul empowerment. One of them will be soul alchemy on how to awaken that inner magician within you how to do this emotional alchemy, and how to develop mastery of your conscious language and a master of frequency. No matter where you are, you are empowered because you are the alchemist of your reality.
Karma comes with the vehicle of the body. Ancestral karma is passed on through the DNA of the mother or father’s line, your grandfathers, and your grandmothers. Every generation has an opportunity to transmute a whole lot of karma so that our whole generation does not have to do that. Every generation has an opportunity to reach the next level of empowerment that was not available for the generation before. You can see how it works, and that is powerful.
It is part of my work to help people, not only by transmuting karma through healing and activations of the soul codes and through forgiveness but also in releasing the patterns of shame, guilt, underserving, and blame. Those are the heaviest vibrations that lock us down into the reality we are tired of. Therefore, you can transmute it. We have tools through ascended masters. We received all the energetic tools that we needed to leave it behind, transmute it, and become empowered. This is in my heart, and it's coming next. There will be a karma-clearing group I lead and the soul alchemy group I lead.
You will feel it in your power to integrate these five-dimensional upgrades. We live in a beautiful time, and the future is bright. See every person on your path as the higher self, and watch how beautiful your world becomes. Let us create a judgment-free world, so we magnetize everything we desire in alignment with our heart and soul."
- The next recommended step is to take an online course, Frequency Shift - Karmic Clearing Spiritual Technology; learn more and join >>> here.