2024: Reflections and Resources
Dec 30, 20241. Joy gives us strength, and love gives us courage. True joy is not dependent on any circumstance and can be accessed under any condition. Joy is a reflection of a spiritual life cultivated and blooming naturally through the heart. The key to accessing joy is daily connection with the Spirit and nourishing our soul with what only the Divine can offer - union beyond the illusion of separation, trust in What Is, and gratitude for the opportunity to be alive in this Earth School. We are here to learn the Art of Living with an open heart. It may not be an easy curriculum, but it leads to embodying our Divine potential.
2. Breath is the ruler of the mind. When we master our breath, we begin to master our mind. The year 2024 opened me to the magic of breath as my daily ally. I look forward to my daily prana sessions, not only because they make me feel centered and calm but because I know - the Divine is in the air - and every time I breathe, I am in intimate communion with the Divine. Here are the two breath works that I practice daily: Breathwork for Focus and Certainty Beyond Logic.
3. Setbacks are hidden blessings.
The year 2024 began with experiences that felt like failures and looked like setbacks. I had a vision to lead the very first Atlantean Wisdom School, which I was launching at the end of 2023. At the beginning of 2024, I had to accept that the timing was not ripe for it yet, and I had to release the vision while deepening my embodiment. Even though, at that time, it felt like a failure, was it REALLY a failure? I choose to see everything as a useful and valuable EXPERIENCE because it helps me grow in wisdom. Coming out with Atlantean teachings was the ultimate "esoteric closet" liberation for me. I remember thinking, "After this, there is no esoteric topic I am shy to speak on (for fear of being too far out there for people)." Even though there was quite a lot of interest in the Atlantean school, I felt that I needed to go back to the visionary cacoon and re-draw the structure for it. I decided to let the vision ripen more and trust the process.
About a month after that, I had to accept that one of two scheduled retreats for Peru wouldn't be happening. The energy for the April retreat was not flowing no matter what I did to promote that event. There were simply not enough people to make the retreat take place. It was one of the most difficult leadership decisions I had to make. Whatever choice I decided to make, someone would be affected. I carried a lot of grief in my heart and was battling with guilt, thinking I let a lot of people down (mostly the retreat center in Peru). The lesson was immense because I could choose to look at it as failure or as a powerful lesson on radical trust in the Flow of Life that was clearly redirecting me to only one retreat - in September. I asked my Guides to help me and after many anxiety-filled days of struggling to make the final decision, the answer came to me in a dream - a voice of guidance told me - "redirect the retreat to the fall". That is what I did. I went through this redirection, choosing to be transparent and authentic with everyone involved - just to find out the GRACE weaved through it all. The retreat founder, Fernando, and I became even more of a soul family after shedding tears on our video call, holding each other in compassion. "I want to be here for you, sister, through ups and downs, through density and lightness," - he told me later when I came to Peru with my group in September. I cried from humility because the way I was received in my breakdown was the way of the Heart of the Andean people. One of the many reasons, why Peru is a home to my heart. Everything is held through the heart. Only now do I understand WHY one Peruvian retreat was more than enough for 2024. When I went there in September with my group, I was in AWE of the potency of the spiritual transformation that took place and how much integration was required before and afterward.
Peru Retreat 2023
Peru retreat 2024
4. After density comes lightness.
Each initiation is followed by integration - an oasis of rest and sweetness. Letting go into trust, we receive the joy that only comes from surrender. March 2024 was a big turning point towards lightness, and unexpected miracles flooded my life. I opened my home to free community events - each equinox and solstice was celebrated in a circle of spiritual leaders and wisdom seekers. My home was also open for conscious documentary screenings - it was a very dynamic community events year. I am convinced that community care is needed more than ever - as we get nourished through community and strengthen devotion in each other by gathering for spiritual growth together.
5. Reinvention is key to creative aliveness.
This year, I have retired from teaching one of my oldest curriculums, Frequency Shift, and trained the first round of certified teachers to pass the torch to so they could take that powerful method of spiritual transformation to their communities. Nothing felt more fulfilling to my heart than to train other teachers. Two Teacher's Training has been birthed this year, and three cohorts went through it. I was engaged in a lot of business pruning this year. Contemplating deeply what I was ready to park and what was ready to be re-imagined. The clarity crystallized during my visioning retreat with myself (self-starter over here. Lol.) My compass was the same: only choosing to do what brings me JOY and feels like the most impactful offering, deeply guided by the Unified field.
6. Love is a Gift from the Cosmos.
A gift of the romantic divine union came into my life at the end of March - as a divine surprise when I stopped all seeking or waiting for it. It was a lengthy process of finding that balance between holding an intention for love and utterly releasing all attachments to it. Only in my wholeness could I meet another in his wholeness. More on that sometime later, even though many people have been asking me to share how we met and how the recognition took place. So much to share :) One day.
The books that were instrumental in my ability to come to peace with intimacy and magnetize healthy, conscious love:
7. Book birth.
It was not as scary as my mind made it out to be. There was fear and creative block around publishing my writing. I do not experience it around speaking and can speak on many topics on video and in-person. When it came to writing, perfectionism had a grip on me (which is another word for: I was afraid to fail). What surprised me was how liberating it was to get the book out (with the help of Michael Bright and English Mystic, Kev - who were tireless cheerleaders and proofreaders of the book). It was such a big MOMENT of holding the book baby in my hands and saying to it: "Welcome to the world. May you touch those whom you are meant for."
There was so much more that this year has taught me, but I am feeling complete with sharing what came through already in this email.
If you read this far, thank you, and I hope it was encouraging and validating for your journey.
Each year is filled with both lessons and blessings. I am excited for 2025, the year of the Snake - Wisdom and Rebirth, and shedding and staying grounded.
I will continue to do what I do every day: walk the path of my Dharma, cultivate beauty, listen to the Divine instructions, and dance ecstatically with existence. Trusting EVERYTHING.
There was so much creative aliveness in 2024, and my intention for 2025 is to BLOOM in new ways - to express the full range of the Life Force energy through creativity and service.
And by doing this, to inspire others to come creatively ALIVE, liberated from old rigid rules + outdated structures that suffocate the soul, and leap into the radical trust of the Divine that is here to express through us and as us.
With devotion,