I am very selective about what I put into my body ~
Here is the list of the most amazing products from companies rooted in integrity.
LINK to purchase yours >>> here.
I also recommend purchasing their amazing Maca - the best quality they offer.

Every day, I look forward to my time with this plant teacher.
Not only it gives me an opportunity to slow down and savor the moment, it also offers me all these benefits:
- Improves mood
- Enhances creativity
- Improves cognitive functions
- Prolongs focus
- Boost energy without the crash or jitters
- Increases confidence in communication
- Deepens meditation
- Promotes feelings of bliss
I often (very often) share cacao with people who visit my home. They all ask me for a recipe.
Here it is:
16 oz hot filtered water
8 tbsp cacao
dash of cinnamon
1/2 tbs of Peruvian Maca
Blend in a high-speed blender. Pour in the most beautiful cups. Light an incense. Invoke the spirit of Cacao to come alive within you and teach you Her wisdom. Sip and enjoy.

I will keep adding my favorite things to this blog so stay tuned :)