My Private Mentorship Pricing

Feb 13, 2024

Transparency in Mentorship Pricing

It's a thing for 2024…

At least, I choose to align with it.

It came to my awareness that more and more people want to know the investment amount before getting on a discovery call with a coach/mentor. Some people shared with me that it gives them anxiety not to know the price range, and they will avoid getting on a call at all. They say, “I don’t want to waste your time if your prices are out of my range. I would rather know upfront.”

I want to share on this that I understand and emphasize, and frankly, prefer that myself.

I love seeing investment levels on someone’s website.
I love knowing that it is all out in the open, and I can select what works for me.
I love being treated as someone who can discern and decide what’s right for me.

And this is why I choose to publicly share my pricing structure for my 1-on-1 mentorship in 2024.
I see myself as a mentor, not a coach because I work with someone to transform their identity, character, and life. Coaching is very skills-based, and I do that in my group programs.

People hire me to:

>>> Solve a big challenge they cannot solve on their own (and since they are high-achievers, by the time they find me, they have tried to solve that challenge on their own for…YEARS.)

>>>Seek the answer to a mystery that eludes them. An existential search that does not give their soul a rest. Neither can they access sustainable joy or inner peace. An example would be fear of death. If people cannot resolve and go beyond this fear, they are not living at their full capacity. Simply not thinking about that fear and pretending it does not exist does not remove the existential anxiety that lingers in the background. I support my clients in meeting their core fears and liberating their souls into freedom. Soul Wounds, healing of relationships, life purpose, etc.

>>> Fulfill a lifelong dream. Every person has a secret dream that they are not going after because they are afraid if they do and they don’t get it, the disappointment will crush them. (*hint: fear of failure). Year after year, they pay a price with time lost for tolerating their hesitation, self-doubt, and holding themselves back. Result: boredom, dissatisfaction, and feeling trapped by the success they achieved (aka responsibility shackles).

> Big Challenge.
> Big Existential Question.
> Big Dream.

These are the types of solutions I provide in my 1-on-1 mentorship.

The investment:

Level 1: Three Months (1 private retreat) + weekly mentorship = $15K
A client can extend this beyond three months to go further.

Level 2: 1 Year Unlimited Mentorship Support (includes in-person retreats + plant medicine work) = $111,000

I do not offer payment plans.

My prices are based on the SPEED and DEPTH of the solution I bring. What would you pay to find an answer to something that has eluded you for the last 10 years? What investment would make total sense if you could win the battle with addiction that enslaved you for the last 5 years? What would it be worth it to create a dream that you carried in your heart for the last 20 years?

This is the level I like to meet others at.

I have worked with CEOs, millionaires, multimillionaires, celebrities in their field, thought leaders, and other highly accomplished people.

They are picky AF when choosing who they will trust. And I so get that; I am very similar. Most ideal clients chose to work with me based on SOUL recognition. They made their decisions FAST, guided by their intuition, and they did not need 2-hour enrollment calls.

They heard me speak on a video, got an instant intuitive hit, “This is my guide,” reached out, and became a client.

Now…I understand that my mentorship prices are not a fit for many people.


- I have built a whole virtual library of courses on every area of life (some start at $44)
- I have designed solo session options that include spiritual guidance and energy healing.
- I open my home for monthly accessible in-person events to offer my support
- I teach FREE high-quality trainings consistently
- I have more FREE content on the internet that most people can go through in the next 2-3 years
- 80% of my time is dedicated to leading GROUP programs at different levels of investment

It feels so good to lay this all out in the open. 

What I know for sure,
I love working with people who can SELF-SELECT what is right for them.

I welcome those who recognize on the level of the soul that I can play a key supportive role in their lives...
I will post links to my application page and Virtual Store, listing all my courses and sessions.


1-on-1 Mentorship Application

Virtual Store 

May your intuitive wisdom guide you.

Katerina Satori
Mentor to 7-8 Figure Entrepreneurs
Online Teacher

Get My Ignite Your Morning PDF and Audio



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