The Beauty of Spaciousness
Jul 21, 2021A friend asked me the other day,
'Katerina, what shifted in you so you began to create SO much spaciousness in life and business?"
Well, it was what I call "an overdose effect".
I was so enthralled with my vision, creative passion, and service to others, that one day I completely lost my balance.
I didn't realize that I ran on mostly mental energy throughout my life.
My mind was pushing me into doing, doing, and more doing.
And even though I created results that people were inspired by, I was running on fumes.
My radiance was disappearing, my health suffered, and my to-do list seemed unending.
"Where am I running to?", I finally asked myself.
"What am I chasing? What is behind all this pressure to perform, achieve, and reach all of my life's goals in one year? Is there another way? There must be another way."
At that time I was guided to study the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu and the wisdom of the Gentle Way.
I began realizing that there'd be at least 44 years of service in front of me, so what was all that rush?
I began slowing down to really SAVOR the journey, and to allow myself more pleasure, more beauty, and more happiness at the moment.
I began creating spaciousness from within.
Moment by moment I was learning to let go of the pressure of the artificial time that is so prevalent in our western culture.
At the same time, I began seeking guidance from the wise elders.
I was learning from their rhythm, the way they teach, and the way they live.
I began creating spaciousness between my thoughts, between ideas that come to me, and experiences that arrive in my life.
Spaciousness became my anchor.
My new inner compass.
Slowly I began to synchronize to a new rhythm.
I began learning from the Greatest Teacher of all - Nature.
How she creates, how she moves, and how she never hurries but gets everything done.
Listening to Wayne Dyer's wisdom of the Unhurried Life began to fuel my soul at the deepest level.
What I am seeing now is that spaciousness can be a CHOICE.
A choice to trust in the flow of life.
A choice to let more beauty in and to trust the Greater Intelligence unfolding through our lives.
In choosing to cultivate spaciousness, I have discovered a new depth of JOY.
The joy of living a simple life, filled with awe.
Spaciousness has never let me down.
It continues to support me in navigating my reality with ease.
There are no burnouts anymore, there is no pressure to perform or sacrifice myself for the Vision, no matter how grand it may feel.
I shed that old programming like an outlived outfit of the old identity that did not know how to trust Life.
A whole new vista of experience opened up, filled with magic, ease, and delight.
Every week I INVEST in a Thai massage, floating therapy, journaling, listening to the sounds of nature, and simply BEING.
And from that place of inner spaciousness, everything gets done effortlessly.
New support shows up and my team grows.
New aligned clients arrive on their own.
My group programs get filled with ease with aligned students.
My true soul allies show up.
My community expands.
And none of it happens through my mental 'doing'.
Everything flows from the state of BEING.
Spaciousness is available and can be found right here, right now.
It begins with a CHOICE:
to exit the race against time, release anxiety, and begin to interact with your reality as Who You Really Are:
An Eternal Spirit, here in the human body to delight in your experience.
I hope you take a chance to discover this for yourself:
To discover the beauty of spaciousness and love an Unhurried Life.
Katerina Satori
Visionary Leadership Mentor
“I guide visionary leaders to transcend stuck attachments, fully embody their genius, and ascend into ecstatic co-creation with life.”
Stop by my virtual home, It would be my honor to meet you in one of my online classes, workshops, or private immersion/retreats.
For private mentorship inquiries or immersions availability, please email: [email protected]