It is safe to ask for what you need
Dec 19, 2022It is SAFE to ask for what you need.
This is my mantra as I move through new layers of transmuting my ancestral wounding and healing new aspects of the wounds that have been as a result of me being raised by a single mother who was utterly unprepared for my birth and carried me in her belly while being in a constant survival state.
The wounds I carry being raised in inconsistent and unconsciously neglectful family environment where as a little child I got the message:
“Your needs are not important. We are all just trying to survive here”.
As an adult committed to living with a healed and Undefended heart, waking the path of Wholeness, it’s been a boatload of inner work to learn about my style of attachment, learn how my nervous system works, learn all of the key archetypes that show up when I am in a romantic relationship with the masculine, learning authentic relating, trauma tools, self-forgiveness, and on and on.
Venus Sequence in the Gene Keys is a relationship healing ❤️🩹 map that shows your karmic imprints with such high level of precision it’s mind expanding.
Walking the path of the teacher, I am constantly being put through the alchemical fire of the teachings to ensure I embody what I learn.
Recently it’s been all about learning to clearly, authentically, and with kindness - ask for what I NEED in a partnership. My old pattern was to simply follow the fire 🔥 of Eros and then ask for what I need while already in a romance dance. The more I rise in my worthiness and stand in my wholeness, the more I honour my inner child who wants to be safe and seen and protected.
I am proud of myself for making so much growth and on Friday I am presenting Venus Sequence teachings at the intensive that I teach. Always with deep trust in the wisdom transmission and in the guidance of this path.
Sharing this with my fellow survivors of childhood trauma:
You are worthy of your needs to be met. You are worthy of healthy, consistent, mature love. Choose that over and over again and you will flower in your authentic journey.
Recourse recommendations: Gabor Mate work on trauma