Galactic Messages: Channeling

Oct 23, 2024

In the summer of 2023, I consistently practiced automated writing to communicate with my Guides. 

Specifically with the Star Guides, such as Arcturians, Hathors, Sirians, and Pleadians. 

What I received through clairaudience felt profoundly true in my body and supportive for my human self to continue on her life path. 

I hope these messages will inspire you as well. 

Image: Galactic Ambassador by Amanda Sage. 

To Be Prepared For What’s To Come


First, realize that you are always being prepared for what’s to come. Your Higher Self is overseeing this. Every upgrade of your consciousness is pre-scheduled, as you are aware of it. Different methods are applied at different lessons. Variety is guaranteed, as we know that you would prefer to learn that way. Right now you are learning to stabilize a new balance. You are holding your Interdimensional awareness well.  We gave you a new code recently, “Embodied Oneness.” It will assist you as you are expanding now swiftly. We will be sending you helpers who deeply recognize the truth of you. Manipulation of others wont affect you as much anymore. You are rooted in your truth and your bliss. We encourage you to expand both: speaking truth into people’s souls and helping them activate their inner bliss. Truth liberates, bliss expands and nourishes.


We want you to know that very exciting things are ahead of you. Many new teachings that will assist humanity are coming through. You are one of our channels. Trust where you are being guided, by your joy and bliss. It is not necessary to lose yourself in service to others. It does not produce the best results, only fatigue and loss of inspiration on your part. We encourage you to nourish yourself first, delight and savor, and prioritize your pleasure and joy. Everything else will flow with ease from that.



Connecting to my Council of Wisdom


You have entered the chapter that you’ve been waiting for - the chapter of deep satisfaction. Deep enjoyment. Deep peacefulness. You are learning how to live entirely in the present moment while creating new things out of that presence. You are embracing the wisdom of nature’s rhymth and you feel nourished by them. You took to heart our guidance to follow your joy and we are celebrating all that came for you out of that inner orientation.


Good work on practicing Compassionate Detachment when it comes to those you guide and support. They feel energetically lighter as well, not only you. There is a new quality in your guidance now, Spaciousness. When you see those you guide as God in form, there is playfulness and lightness. Nothing to fix, worry, or rescue. There is a new dance, a dance of mastery and bliss.


The less you try, the easier it happens. Let’s unpack this together. Effort is not required any more. How can you tell when you are applying too much effort? You get exhausted, as if you’re carrying too big of a load. Put it down and reconnect with the freedom of the moment. Allow the moment to guide you. Step by step, guidance shows up.


Yes, a good practice for you now is to expand your embodiment of plenty. Take a few minutes a day to feel gratitude for the overflow of goodness in each area of your life. As you know, the most powerful manifestation technique is gratitude. Visualize a field of flowers, all in bloom and encode an area of your life you desire to experience expansion in. We are so happy to see you thriving. We are here for you and you are welcome to tune into us anytime. We are one.


Dance With Life 


Beloved Initiate, you are discovering that the right guidance arrives at the right time. You are learning to hear the Will of the Whole through your intuition. Your timing is becoming impeccable because you’re learning to get out of the way; your intellect is in service to your Higher Mind. We acknowledge your growth and your trust. Continue to release any human patterns of worry or needing to work hard. You are learning how to allow and receive now. Perfection is not required from you. Alignment is key. You are coming into a greater harmony with all that exists and this is what you’re here to help others to experience. The Web of Life is moving its energy through you.


You are about to plant very potent seeds and your abundant harvest is assured. Lead with love, your Leonian heart, and your visionary mind. Speak truth into people’s souls and encourage them to connect to their intution, inspiration, and service. It will nourish them and help them open their wings.


All the right opportunities and the right people will show up on your path. It will be a wonderful year for you, so many gifts we have prepared for you to receive. You are meant to be the Agent of Celebration. yes, you are also an Agent of Change, and remember to connect people to the joy of living. To see life as a dance with the Goddess. Dance with life.


March 11, 2023


What does it mean to Embody Oneness?


It is about surrendering to the Web of Life moment by moment. Dissolving the illusion of separation. Becoming the field of presence to the best of your ability. Awakening the fullness of your innocence, wonder, and living in awe. Each day to align your will to the will of the Whole. Living in listening to the pulse of life. To choose to be connected to the One Cosmic Heart. To be gentle with oneself when a connection is temporary lost, knowing the return can be made through your next breath. Each new breath offers you an opportunity to re-connect. Attunement becomes one’s key practice.


What does it mean to embody your Divinity?


Is to release any patterns of thought that you need to wait for someone, to save you, to release you from imaginary burdens. It is to anchor yourself in the truth of your own power, to take responsibility for every part of your creation. Your life is your creation, everything you have in your reality right now is a reflection of what you chose to create. It is also a reflection of your past thinking. New thoughts plant new seeds in your reality. Choosing to be in your Divinity means choosing to look at your life with innocence again. To look at your life with a sense of wonder, “Look at what I created! Look who I called into my life to reflect to me my current state of embodiment. This is incredible, I wonder what will I choose to focus on next? What would I prefer to experience?” When you embody your Divinity in human form, you begin to feel playful, as a child playing with clay, you begin to remember you can affect matter.


What does it mean to embody your Joy?


Is to living from the inner knowing that joy is a wellspring of your inner bliss. There is a fountain within you that you can access anytime you come into stillness. When you slow down the vibrations of your mind, slowing down your heartbeat with your breath to come into the central point, a portal opens within. You make a contact with the deepest part of you, the part of you that will never die, cannot be ever harmed, an Eternal Witness of your human adventure. Joy is a realization of inner liberation.


What my Guides want me to know now:


Do not lose your faith in finding true love. We are witnessing you and the point of convergence with your soulmate. Trust the unfolding as you’ve made it THIS far. From now on, there is nothing for you to do but to ALLOW the magic to unfold. We will assist with orchestrating the encounter. Your beloved will be all you dream him to be and so much more. Relish in the unfolding.



All true alignment begins with Attunement. Wisdom arises on the threshold of silence. When the mind gets still, the soul begins to speak.


March 12, 2023


Communication with Hathors


“Ignite the Spirit of Celebration within you to bring out many more reasons to celebrate. Dance, tone, express, all that is worthy of celebration in your life, beginning with the gift of breath. You can breathe! Isn’t that the reason to celebrate, dear ones? You can see? Isn’t that the most magnificent gift? Your eyes are the temple windows through which the Divine sees itself. You can hear? The celebration of the sound and your ability to hear the sounds of Life, what a gift. Bring your awareness to the ordinary magic - everything can be a point of your celebration. Joy is just a choice away. A choice to focus on what you can be grateful for. Life is for celebration. What will you celebrate today? Do not discount this for its simplicity. For all truth is simple in its essence. Joy is the highest frequency that when you connect to it, will uplift you and help you see beyond the veil of illusion. Open your heart to the cosmic play and remember yourself as an actor in the divine theatre. Today is all you have, forget the past, it is gone, the future will never arrive, it is all happening NOW - Next Opportunity Wonder - next opportunity for wonder. Are you wondering what this all is about? It is a very playful experiment. Your spirit self was eager to return to this physical density one more time, for the joy of adventure, the joy of feeling everything, and the joy of meeting it’s soul group in a new way. It is all for JOY. It is all for celebration. This is what we re here to remind you of.”


art: Oracle Awakening, Amanda Sage




Dear Spirit Guides, I am curious: What makes someone expand? Is there a formula for expansion? What is the geometry of expansion?


Beloved Initiate, we want to remind you that expansion through effort is one of the ways to create it, and it is not necessarily a curriculum for you at this point. Expansion through naturalness is what we are inviting you to attune to. It is a matter of attunement, energetically. Attune and get familiar with the energy of expansion that you desire to become one with. Become clear and specific: what expansion do you wish to see in your reality? What would it mean to you? Why is it attractive to you? What do you desire to experience through expansion?


Remember, in a holographic universe, whether you serve one or millions, you serve the Whole.

Can you imagine expansion and simplicity together? 

As within, so without, breathe expansion, welcome an expanded version of YOU, and allow and receive the miracles.


Release the crutch of “effort.” Activate the code of “effortlessness”. In your presence, all opportunities exist. Allow. Trust. Flow in your joy. Expansion is inevitable. We are excited to see you dance with it.


Surrender is an Act of Strength 

What is most important for me to remember today?


Surrender is an act of strength. It is the way you get out of the way and be the conduit of Shakti.


When you let go, you let Goddess. She begins to dance using the instrument called You.


Connect people to their Immortal Self. As you did last night in the meditation, how supportive it felt.


Free Will 

June 30, 2023


Beloved Guides…Is there a free will? Does any of our goals matter?


Yes, free will is about learning to get out of the way and aligning to the Flow.


Free will is in listening to your intuition and cultivating your awareness and choosing to become coherent. All the practices that help you become more conscious, grounded, and open-hearted. All that is your choice. You can choose not to do any of that, and you will go through your path as unconscious fate. You can also call that a low expression of your potential—a fraction of what is possible for you. You will enjoy the ride, but you won’t maximize all that could be possible for you because your frequency is not aligned with it.


When you cultivate a conscious living, maintain your alignment, and become present as your normal state of being, you begin to align with your true potential. You begin to feel inspired. You begin to tap into the vision of what could be possible. That feeling of inspiration begins to radiate from your aura and you begin to become more magnetic. When you activate your magnetism, you create from within by aligning.


When you stabilize your beingness, you find yourself creating by thought alone. Your vibration here is everything. You can get distracted by thoughts and get in your way through too many actions. This level of consciousness is about becoming one with your potential and learning to channel your Higher Self essence into each moment. It is about cultivating a lucid mind and a loving heart. It is about becoming the field of unconditional love. This is how you can see your free will. You can choose on a moment-by-moment basis what quality of experience you desire. Different levels of consciousness have different rules.


Remember, these levels get activated sequentially. Thinking you can jump from level 1 to 3 immediately is naive. Each level holds a gate of Initiation where your old version of self gets to dissolve; and a new way of being begins.


Living in the Now  

Living in the Now. It is not an easy practice for humans, is it not?

Most humans spend all their thinking on trying to be ready for the future. Their lives go by so fast, and every year, they say, "Where did the time go?"


Fear drives this way of living. It is not natural, it is programmed.

Spiritual awakening is awakening to living in the Now and doing it with relaxation. Imagine living in the Now, while still attending to all your physical matters and engaging with each task with relaxation and ease and making plans with peace and non-attachment. You have this amazing word for it, FLOW. When you discover flow, you begin to touch on bliss. You begin to learn life in a whole new way. You begin to form a new relationship with life. A relationship that is sensual, intuitive, and conscious.


Learning to live in the Now takes practice. Don’t beat yourself up if this does not come naturally. It takes time to learn a new relationship with time. How fascinating?


When you go to places like South America, it is healing because you experience a totally different relationship with time—with flow, with the Now. What happens is that you access the collective mind formed by generations of Andean people who do not live for the future. They live for the NOW, trusting Pachamama to bring them everything they need. Their knowledge is true wisdom from experience and the ancient ways of their ancestors.


A simple daily practice we can offer is for you to remind yourself:

“I am entering the Now fully. I am here. I am entering the Now fully.” Then, take a deep breath in your heart and imagine you are slowing down time. You are entering the Now fully. See what happens. It takes practice. Soon it becomes your ongoing awareness. Then it becomes the way you live. Eventually, it becomes your code, and it becomes a part of your energy field. You become a field of Living Presence. That is the jewel of incarnation - to become so present that the Divine sees through you.



P.S. This is it for now. 

May these messages nourish your heart. 

And if you are interested in how to open your own channeling and psychic abilities, I may be able to help if its the right fit between us. Email me at: [email protected] to inquire more. 



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