Transformative Guidance: the 3 Levels of Personal Growth
Aug 29, 2024Question: “How do you work with people?”
Answer: “My clients go through three levels of transformation when they choose to receive support from me. Once we activate an energetic field of Guidance through a sacred ritual together, this is what takes place (in a unique way for each individual).
1️⃣ We harmonize
I tune into all levels of their being to detect what is out of harmony. Where they are losing energy and power. People come because they feel disconnected from inspiration, clarity, or more profound purpose, or all of it at once. They seek to feel connected again, from the inside out, to experience spiritual peace and find the strength to keep going. My aim here is COHERENCE. I use various techniques to help my clients harmonize with themselves and the Cosmos. When they return to harmony, they are back in the FLOW. Inspiration returns and enthusiasm is needed to act on it, which attracts the help of cosmic forces that look like they are back in the flow of good fortune.
2️⃣ We simplify
This is the process of eliminating excess and creating spaciousness for innovation. I look at my clients' daily routines so we can optimize how they spend their most precious resource: attention. I probe for what energizes my clients and help them release everything that drains them. We orient to JOY as a compass 🧭 for their direction. Next, we strategize the simplest way forward for their direction and commit to the project that will require them to grow the fastest.
3️⃣ We ignite new creative possibilities
My mind is an antenna that constantly receives inspiration. This is my playground 🛝 my clients tell me that I have a gift for making complicated seem possible, complex, and simple. I love playing with possibilities and downloading innovative, exciting solutions. Here, we study metaphysics and the secrets of spiritual success, focusing on embodiment.
This is the shortest version, and each client is unique. The work is a spiral 🌀 and entirely depends on the client’s ATTITUDE and willingness to grow and transform.
📸 @robwilliams_98
p.s. If you want to become a client, see my 1-on-1 Application page >>> Here.