Master the Seven Universal Laws that govern every facet of our lives 🌌.


Align your life and business to harness the energetic and spiritual power of these laws ✨.

Discover the Secret Teachings of All Ages, and steer your life toward your soul's vision with renewed confidence 🧭.

Empower yourself to manifest your dreams by embracing the sacred principles woven into the fabric of reality 🌿.

Do not miss this transformative webinar. Trust your inner YES 💖.

The profound Teachings of Thoth, The Atlantean, will be intricately woven through each segment of this training 📜.

Remember, 'Wisdom only comes to those who seek her.' 🦉"


What previous webinar attendees said:


Metaphysical Webinar with Katerina Satori

Thursday, May 23 at 12 pm Pacific

(Los Angeles Timezone)

About Katerina  

Katerina Satori is a teacher, speaker, and mentor on visionary leadership, energetic mastery, and ancient wisdom teachings.

She is the CEO of KS International, a global education company for service-based entrepreneurs. She works with Founders, Creatives, and Visionary Leaders to help them fully embody their unique genius and create their legacy work in the world with utmost joy.

Katerina arrived in the USA from Russia at 23 with only $3. Starting as a housekeeper, she relentlessly pursued her dreams and self-development path. She dedicated over 16 years to learning from the shamanic path of plant medicine, traveling the world to activate her mystical abilities at numerous power places and temples, and embodying her learnings. Her online business grew organically from her devotional service to an online audience. You can connect with her on social media, where she shares her inspiration daily.


In her own words:

"I am here to be an Ambassador of Joy. A mystic and an artist in my soul, I paint outside the lines and see life as a Dance. Devoted to the Sacred Feminine, I serve the Divine Mother as Her channel. My biggest passion is to revive the gold of Ancient Wisdom and bring it to the people seeking to create a new world where we all live in harmony and peace."


Connect with Katerina on social:


